Investment Property Owners and Recycling Management

Make Your Rental Properties Green With Onsite Recycling

As a rental property owner, you may already be on the lookout for ways to make your operation more "green." For example, one way we do this is by offering our tenants online services such as a web portal that allows tenants to pay automatically, read blogs, and even arrange maintenance. In addition, we do our best to keep documents online, handle operations with optimal efficiency, and reduce waste when possible. These are just some ways that we try to be green, and you may find them helpful.

However, one way for you to be environmentally conscious that is much easier is to add on-site recycling. While you may be aware that this is an earth friendly choice for you to make, you may not realize that it could result in your favorite type of "green" - return on investment. Every month, most property owners find themselves paying solid waste disposal fees. Whether you have apartments, condos, or residential properties, there will always be the need to pay for bulk waste.

However, recycling can effectively eliminate the need for larger containers or more frequent collection, which greatly reduces your operating expenses. Even when there are fees associated with your bulkier recycling, this comes at a fraction of the cost for standard trash services. This helps you save the planet...and your budget.

Of course, recycling is not an activity that all tenants may be familiar with or even willing to do, but there are several ways that you or your property manager can make this process go smoothly.

Helping Tenants Recycle

When you create the lease it is perfectly legal to insert a clause that requires your tenants to recycle the appropriate materials. Additionally, you can continually educate and encourage them to do this in several ways. For example, you can maintain clearly marked recycling areas and communicate about the importance of recycling in a blog or newsletter.

At Active Renter Property Management we even do annual surveys to follow-up on tenant needs. At these times, we typically ask about recycling issues in order to hear about suggestions for improvement. As an illustration, tenants may prefer recycling containers in many spots - such as a barbecue area where cans can be easily recycled or the laundry room where bottles and jugs can be discarded properly. It is through hearing this type of information that you will be able to improve your recycling program. Although it may take you a lot of extra time, we highly recommend it.

In closing, it is crucial that you start implementing a recycling program. This is important not only for the environment, but for your business needs as well. And remember, don't forget to survey your tenants for their suggestions. They live in these properties every day and that experience will provide useful insight into ways that you can optimize your recycling program.

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